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Sister Stan's Children
"Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me." Matt. 25:40.

Sister Stan's Children, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity. We take very seriously our responsibility to properly steward each and every donation given. We are committed to extremely low administrative costs and have a governing Board of Directors for financial accountability. All donations will be used to support Nazareth Home for God's Children in a manner consistent with our exempt purposes as set forth in our By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation.

Ways To Donate

Checks: mail to Sister Stan's Children, 6509 Edinburgh Drive, Nashville, TN 37221. Preferences may be allocated, including "Child Sponsorship" (may indicate a specific name) or "Where needed most".


Paypal or Credit Card: click on the button below and follow the on-screen instructions. Preferences may be allocated, including "Child Sponsorship" (may indicate a specific name) or "Where needed most".



Venmo @Sister-Stans-Children: click on QR code below.




We are excited to announce a new way to donate! If you have a heart for abandoned children and have the giving capacity to make a significant difference in their lives, we invite you to partner with us through giving securities (stocks, bonds, etc.). By doing this, you can support the ministry, avoid paying capital gains taxes, and receive a charitable deduction for the fiscal year the transfer took place (consult a tax professional about what tax benefits would apply).


Contact Details

Sister Stan's Children, Inc.
6509 Edinburgh Drive
Nashville, TN 37221

